Category: Snowflake

Snowflake, Snowpark

Snowflake Snowpark JAVA UDF with JAR – Streamlit bonus

Recently, I was asked the following question: “How can I manage my Snowflake JAVA UDFs without needing to re-create the UDF every time I make a change to the logic? And by the way can you show me how to invoke that from Streamlit?” The first thing that popped in my head was, “Streamlit is a …


Data Warehouse Migration with Snowflake VSC and Flyway

Wow! It has been a year since my last blog post. This post was originally going to cover getting #Flyway set up with Snowflake. Then a couple of days ago, my friend Kent Graziano tweeted a link on getting Visual Studio Code (VSC) connected to Snowflake. Considering I had just come off a lengthy project …


Let DBeaver Build Your ERD from a Snowflake Data Warehouse

I was recently responding to a question about DBeaver and the ability to automatically generate an ERD. The following post will walk you through the process.   ;TLDR Looking for an easy way to create one of these?   Let’s create 3 simple tables.  A parent table with a primary key constraint and two additional …

Python, Snowflake

Python Abort trap: 6 fix after Catalina update

A couple of days ago, I update my MacOS to Catalina and immediately after that, all the Snowflake scripts I wrote in #Python started returning an Abort trap: 6 error. My initial thought was something must be a compatibility issue with either the python connector or new default terminal shell zsh. Fortunately I was wrong, …


Snowflake Migration using StreamSets

#OnTapToday, using @StreamSets to migrate data from your source database to Snowflake. In this post, I will walk through the process of configuring StreamSets to migrate data from my on prem DB to Snowflake. WHY You need to get some data from a source database to the Snowflake data warehouse. There were a few options …


Connect to Snowflake Data Warehouse with GO

In this installment, I am going to walk through the process of connecting GO to the Snowflake Data Warehouse Service (DWaaS). This tutorial requires that you have a Snowflake account. You can sign up here for a 30 day/$400.00 trial. Download and Install the ODBC Driver Once you have your account set up in Snowflake, …


Become the Change You Seek!

By the time this posts hits, I’ll be in the air heading to one of my favorite cities, San Francisco. — My Sifu, Coach Sule, has that slogan as part of his email signature, and those are words are quite fitting.  If you have been following me on Twitter, then you know that a lot …

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