Using Check Constraints with Regular Expressions was something I just wanted to experiment with. Turns out they can be effective. The example here will address a common problem when requesting information from a user. One can argue that the this type of check should be done at the application layer and not the database layer, …
Category: Regular Expressions
Using Virtual Columns with REGEXP
In a previous post, I discussed the REGEXP_REPLACE function. Let’s combine this example with the virtual columns feature introduced in Oracle Database 11g. In that example, we looked at using the REGEXP_REPLACE function in the select statement to display a phone number in the desired format. A similar construct can be used to define a …
Pattern Matching – Regular Expressions Part 3: REGEXP_REPLACE
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been on the blogging scene, so I figured I continue my Regular Expressions 101 series. Part 3 will introduce REGEXP_REPLACE. In my previous post, I went into a bit of detail so on to the good stuff. Function name Description REGEXP_LIKE Similar to the LIKE operator but allows …
Oracle Data Integrator User Functions with Regular Expressions and Dropped Square Brackets
Just the other day I described how you can use Regular Expressions Functions with Oracle Data Integrator. Well that was only part of the story. Immediately after that post went out, I had several notes from people who are way smarter than me say “put that in an ODI User Function for reusability”. This post …
Regular Expressions Functions with Oracle Data Integrator
Starting with Oracle database 10gR1, 4 Regular Expression functions were introduced that you can use in SQL and PL/SQL statements. This post will illustrate how to use the REGEXP_REPLACE function in a flat file to Oracle database mapping using ODI. The beauty of the ODI implementation is that it takes advantage of the technology within the target …
Pattern Matching – Regular Expressions Part 2: REGEXP_LIKE
Last month, I gave a general overview of the Pattern Matching in Regular Expressions. This post will introduce the regular expression function: REGEXP_LIKE in the Oracle Database. Let’s get started. What is a Regular Expression Function? Regular Expression Functions in a nutshell are A set of SQL functions used to search and manipulate strings using Regular …