Category: 12C


Case Insensitivity with JSON and Oracle 12c?

About a week ago, I was presenting at ECO on JSON parsing in the Oracle 12c Database and an attendee asked a great question. To summarize, Maria Colgan gave a keynote in which she noted a feature in 12c that allows you to define a column as Case Insensitive. The attendee in my session asked if …

12C, LINUX, Oracle, Virtual Box

Oracle DB12c on OL7 with Virtual Box 5 installation issues

As usual, I’m goofing off in my home Data Center (riiiiight), and I decide to install Oracle Linux 7 and the 12c Database. While not concerning myself with what’s on the Compatibility Matrix, I go ahead and start up Virtual Box 5 (recently released) and install my O/S.  No problem there so, I’m thinking everything …

12C, Database, dbaOnTap, Oracle, REGEXP_REPLACE, Regular Expressions

Pattern Matching – Regular Expressions Part 3: REGEXP_REPLACE

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been on the blogging scene, so I figured I continue my Regular Expressions 101 series. Part 3 will introduce REGEXP_REPLACE. In my previous post, I went into a bit of detail so on to the good stuff. Function name Description REGEXP_LIKE Similar to the LIKE operator but allows …

12C, Oracle, SQLDev

SSH Tunnel with #SQLDev 4.1 EA1 and EA2 side by side

Yesterday March 9th, the team that works on #SQLDev, dropped EA2 out there for us to play with. For some random reason, I decided to check out SSH tunneling feature.  If you are familiar with it in the EA1 release, some things have moved around and features have been added.  Let’s take a look at …

12C, CDB, Containers, Database, Databases, DBA, Hints and Tips, ORA-01033, Oracle, PDB, Pluggable Databases, script, SQL, SQLDev, startup, Startup Script

Use Start-up Script to Modify State of your Pluggable Database to Open Read Write in SQL Developer 4.0 EA3 (ORA-01033)

I’m playing around with Oracle’s SQL Developer 4 EA3 and Database 12c.  Using SQL Dev, I quickly created a Pluggable Database (PDB). I try to open it, and I get this (ORA-01033). Then I remember reading that the Pluggable Databases don’t open automatically when the database services are started.  Well that sucks because now I …

12C, BI, conference, Databases, dbcapoeira, EBS, oow13, Oracle, SQLDev, Troubleshooting

Oracle Open World 2013 – Wrap up (#OOW13)

So if you know anything about me, you will know that I am always amp’d up when it’s time for Oracle Open World.  This year was quite a different experience for me.  In previous years, I found myself running all across the Conference Complex attending session after session.  This year however, I took a different …