A few days ago, I started building a PoC with the Oracle DB 12.1 and Oracle Instant Client. My goal was to deploy each component to separate and see if I could access the DB from the OIC container. Now to take it a step further. Adding the node-oracledb driver to enable Node.js interaction with …
Category: Database
Using the Oracle Instant Client with Docker and Oracle DB12c
This weekend, in my desire to learn more about Docker, I decided to implement a multi-container solution. In this PoC, I plan to deploy a container with the Oracle Database 12.1 and a second container with the Oracle Instant Client 12.2. The goal will be to connect to the Database container from the Instant Client …
Oracle Database 12cR2 Introduces 128 Byte Identifiers
Oracle Database 12cR2 Introduces 128 byte Identifiers. Let’s take a look at a simple Table and Column name example: If only this were available sooner … like 6 months ago (On-Prem of course). In 12cR2, the new Identifier length limit is now 128 bytes. The 30 character limit on object names made it …
Use SQL Developer to Create a PDB – Database 12cR2
Continuing along with the release of 12cR2, let’s quickly look at creating a PDB in the database. Now that we have a database installed fire up one of my favorite tools, SQL Developer and let’s get to work. Note: These steps have not change from 12cR1, but maybe you haven’t seen that process either. …
Installing Oracle Database 12cR2 on Linux 7.3
What do you do when Oracle releases the long awaited 12cR2 version of the database? You download it and install it. So let’s get started. Visit the Oracle Download site and download the version 12cR2 of the database. This time it’s just a single zip file. So grab that and unzip it in a directory …
SQL Developer, MySQL, and a Raspberry Pi
This post will probably not contain anything new, but maybe it will all just be in one place. Recently I decided to do something with my Raspberry Pi (RPi), as for some time now, it has been sitting on my desk acting as an XBMC server. Well no more. But what should I do? How …
Oracle DB12c / OL7 / VBox 5 – Perl Segmentation Fault
Back on August 22, 2015, I wrote a post about some challenges I was experiencing while trying to install Oracle DB12c on Linux 7 using VirtualBox 5.x. You can read that here. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work with Simon Coter, Principal Product Manager for Oracle VM and VirtualBox to get to …
Using Virtual Columns with REGEXP
In a previous post, I discussed the REGEXP_REPLACE function. Let’s combine this example with the virtual columns feature introduced in Oracle Database 11g. In that example, we looked at using the REGEXP_REPLACE function in the select statement to display a phone number in the desired format. A similar construct can be used to define a …
Pattern Matching – Regular Expressions Part 3: REGEXP_REPLACE
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been on the blogging scene, so I figured I continue my Regular Expressions 101 series. Part 3 will introduce REGEXP_REPLACE. In my previous post, I went into a bit of detail so on to the good stuff. Function name Description REGEXP_LIKE Similar to the LIKE operator but allows …
Pattern Matching – Regular Expressions Part 2: REGEXP_LIKE
Last month, I gave a general overview of the Pattern Matching in Regular Expressions. This post will introduce the regular expression function: REGEXP_LIKE in the Oracle Database. Let’s get started. What is a Regular Expression Function? Regular Expression Functions in a nutshell are A set of SQL functions used to search and manipulate strings using Regular …