Over the last few days, I’ve been checking out the Initial Load process in Oracle GoldenGate 12.2. While it seems straight forward, I kept running into an Access denied error. To be more specific the ggserr.log says: ERROR OGG-01201 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eload01.prm: Error reported by MGR : Access denied. How do we fix this?
Oracle Virtual Box 5.0.12
Single Host- MacBook Pro
Setting up a very basic Direct Load process, my goal is to populate the target table soe.addresses from data in the source soe.addresses table. I used swingbench to create the soe schema and datasets. Once I configured my system for the Initial Load, I started the extract on the source and it immediately stopped. View ggsevt, provided the follow error information:
ERROR OGG-01201 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eload01.prm: Error reported by MGR : Access denied
ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, eload01.prm: PROCESS ABENDING
After validating that all the login information to the source and target databases was correct, what was left?
What I discovered is in Oracle GoldenGate 12.2, the default behavior is the MANAGER and related EXTRACT/REPLICAT cannot be started or stopped remotely. Since the Direct Initial Load is initiated on the source server and attempts to start the REPLICAT on the target server, this falls into that category.
The fix is to add “ACCESSRULE, PROG *, IPADDR *, ALLOW” to your manager parameter file (mgr.prm) on the target system. I did this in a test system, and I have used wildcards in the accessrule. I suggest that you consult the GoldenGate documentation to ensure you maintain appropriate security measures for your environment.
Read at your leisure
The remainder of the post covers additional details on the”ACCESSRULE, PROG *, IPADDR *, ALLOW” parameter from security perspective and what my original parameter file look like.
In my test environment a more secure ACCESSRULE parameter would look like this:
-- -- GoldenGate Manager Parameter File (mgr.prm) -- userid xxxxxxx, password xxxxxxx PORT 7809 ACCESSRULE, PROG REPLICAT, IPADDR, ALLOW PURGEOLDEXTRACTS ./dirdat/rt*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 2 --
By editing the accessrule parameter on the target mgr.prm by changing the IP address, we can see that extract process has stopped and access has been denied :
Focusing on the soe.addresses table for a Direct Load, my original parameter files looked like this:
Source mgr.prm
-- GoldenGate Manager Parameter File (mgr.prm) userid xxxxxxx, password xxxxxxx PORT 7809 PURGEOLDEXTRACTS ./dirdat/lt*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 2
Source eload01.prm (extract)
EXTRACT ELOAD01 userid xxxxxxx, password xxxxxxx sourcecatalog pdb1 rmthost trg, mgrport 7809 rmttask replicat, group rload01 table soe.addresses;
Target mgr.prm
-- -- GoldenGate Manager Parameter File (mgr.prm) userid xxxxxxx, password xxxxxxx PORT 7809 PURGEOLDEXTRACTS ./dirdat/rt*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 2
Target rload01.prm (replicat)
REPLICAT RLOAD01 userid xxxxxxx, password xxxxxxx assumetargetdefs handlecollisions dboptions suppresstriggers discardfile ./dirrpt/rload01.dsc, purge map pdb1.soe.addresses, target pdb1.soe.addresses;
I’m guessing the requirement to add this to remote manager parameter file is a new ‘feature’ for OGG 12.2?
Yep. It’s a “security’ feature.