Beginner Series, Oracle

My Cloud Services DBaaS: Configuring the Oracle Cloud Database Service

My Cloud Services DBaaS I went ahead and jumped on the bandwagon and signed up for my very own Oracle Cloud Services Account. They make it too easy, so let’s jump right in and create a new Database Service. Obviously you will need to sign-up and get an account, which can be done right here: Cloud …

cloud, macOS

Generate an SSH key on macOS for Oracle Cloud Services

Generate an SSH key on macOS (Sierra 10.12.3)   If you plan on using the Oracle Cloud Services, you will need to generate some SSH Keys to enable secure access to Oracle Cloud resources from applications such as SQL Developer and even terminal connections. Below I will outline the process for creating SSH Keys on …

12cR2, Beginner Series

Oracle Database 12cR2 Introduces 128 Byte Identifiers

Oracle Database 12cR2 Introduces 128 byte Identifiers. Let’s take a look at a simple Table and Column name example:     If only this were available sooner … like 6 months ago (On-Prem of course). In 12cR2, the new Identifier length limit is now 128 bytes.  The 30 character limit on object names made it …

12cR2, Oracle

Use SQL Developer to Create a PDB – Database 12cR2

Continuing along with the release of 12cR2, let’s quickly look at creating a PDB in the database. Now that we have a database installed fire up one of my favorite tools, SQL Developer and let’s get to work. Note: These steps have not change from 12cR1, but maybe you haven’t seen that process either.   …

12cR2, ACE, Beginner Series, Database, DBA

Installing Oracle Database 12cR2 on Linux 7.3

What do you do when Oracle releases the long awaited 12cR2 version of the database? You download it and install it. So let’s get started. Visit the Oracle Download site and download the version 12cR2 of the database. This time it’s just a single zip file. So grab that and unzip it in a directory …

Beginner Series, Logger, Oracle

PL/SQL Instrumentation: Installing Logger

If you are writing PL/SQL, the open source tool Logger, started by Tyler Muth and now owned and maintained by Martin D’Souza is instrumental in error identification and debugging. While I am sure that there are other resources that can provide the same information, this post will show you how to get Logger installed and …

OEM 13c, Oracle, Security

OEM13c Roles and AD Groups

Managing OEM13c Roles and AD Groups. In my last post, we explored how to enable LDAP (using Windows Active Directory) authentication within OEM 13c. Now that we can centrally manage basic user access to OEM, we need to apply some security constraints around these users.   If you are familiar with Active Directory (AD), then …

Configuration, LDAP, OEM, OEM 13c, Oracle

OEM 13c and LDAP Authentication

Using LDAP to provide Oracle Enterprise Manager authentication was quite an interesting task. The biggest challenge was finding resources that did a decent job of mapping the elements of an LDAP tree to where Enterprise Manager needed them. I could find stuff about LDAP and then stuff about OEM, but never together in a way …

Database, Fun Stuff, SQLDev

SQL Developer, MySQL, and a Raspberry Pi

  This post will probably not contain anything new, but maybe it will all just be in one place. Recently I decided to do something with my Raspberry Pi (RPi), as for some time now, it has been sitting on my desk acting as an XBMC server. Well no more. But what should I do? How …


KScope16’s Unsung Heroes

Putting on a conference is a difficult task to say the least. Putting on a conference the size of #Kscope is no exception. Everyday there are crises that are averted, and at night we are all at dinners and networking events, there is a small crew dissecting the events of the day. As we rise just …

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