Month: April 2016


TimesTen: Failed to retrieve IP address of the system

In my quest to understand TimesTen a bit more, I built a VM with VirtualBox, OL 6.5, and TimesTen 11.2.2. I verified that I could connect to TimesTen from the VM instance, but when I tried to connect to the TimesTen database from my host (MacBook Pro), I received the following error: Danny: > ttisqlcs Copyright …

Oracle, TimesTen

Oracle TimesTen not using Large Pages

 Oracle TimesTen Database, was not using Huge/Large pages. Well at least when I executed a ttStatus command, I saw the following: Shared Memory KEY 0x0c0504dd ID 1838710795 (LOCKED) when I expected to see Shared Memory KEY 0x0c0504dd ID 1838710795 (Large Pages,LOCKED) There are 11 connections to the data store Shared Memory KEY 0x0c0504dd ID 1838710795 (LOCKED) …

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