Tag: Node.js

Docker, Oracle

Microservices PoC: Docker Calculator build with docker-compose

Hopefully you have been following my Docker exploits allowing me to share as I go along. Recently I posted a part two on my Microservices PoC describing a simple calculator. The solution currently instructs to you to execute four (4) docker build commands to create the individual containers for the calculator function. When I did …

Database, Docker, Node.js, Oracle, oracledb

Deploy node-oracledb with Official Instant Client Image

A few days ago, I started building a PoC with the Oracle DB 12.1 and Oracle Instant Client. My goal was to deploy each component to separate and see if I could access the DB from the OIC container. Now to take it a step further. Adding the node-oracledb driver to enable Node.js interaction with …

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