Containers, Docker, script

Clean up qcow2 in Docker on MacBook

I really enjoy figuring out stuff to do with DOCKER, but I recently tweeted the following: Why you ask? Well, there is this file, Docker.qcow2 located right here: ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 on my MacBook Pro that consumes all of the remaining space I have on my hard drive, and SSD’s ain’t cheap.  I’m sure I need to …

cloud, Database, Docker, Oracle

Using the Oracle Instant Client with Docker and Oracle DB12c

This weekend, in my desire to learn more about Docker, I decided to implement a multi-container solution. In this PoC, I plan to deploy a container with the Oracle Database 12.1 and a second container with the Oracle Instant Client 12.2. The goal will be to connect to the Database container from the Instant Client …

cloud, Oracle

SSH Into the Oracle Database Cloud Service

One of the things that make us feel comfortable when working with a database is the ability to ssh into the server, connect to the database, and use sqlplus or sqlcl to interact with the database. You might not know it, but even though the Oracle Database Cloud Service is a PaaS solution, you still …

cloud, Container Service, Weblogic

Deploy Weblogic to Oracle Container Cloud Service

A few weeks ago, we walked through the process of creating an Oracle Container Cloud Service Instance. Since then, “Oracle announced today that it is collaborating with Docker to release  its flagship databases, middleware and developer tools into the Docker Store marketplace via the Docker Certification Program.” You can read more about that here. A quick …

Arduino UNO, IoT

ARDUINO – Guest Post by Dylan Bryant

In my effort to fight the TV, I issued a challenge to my 10yr old. Here is his story. Enjoy! -dbaOnTap Last week my dad challenged me to make the Arduino UNO do something. So I chose to make a light blink. Now I will tell you exactly how I did it. First, I had …

Containers, Docker

Removing Docker Containers and Images

Removing Docker Containers and Images In a recent post about Docker, we looked into some things that differentiate Docker containers from Virtual Machines. I also gave a brief example of creating your first Docker image. If any of that piqued your interest and you started just trying stuff, you end up like I did with …

Container Service

Create an Oracle Container Cloud Service

Create an Oracle Container Cloud Service     A few weeks ago I told you I bit the bullet and signed up for my own Oracle Cloud Service Account. A month ago, I wrote an article about provisioning an Oracle Cloud Database Service. Recently I’ve been able to look at Docker and container technology, so …

Beginner Series, Docker

Late to the Docker game?

Late to the Docker Game? Wondering What All the Fuss is About? What is Docker? To answer this question, let’s talk about what Docker is not. While you can write scripts to interact with Docker, it is not a programming language. The natural response when working with Docker containers is to attempt to frame it …

GaTechDays, Oracle

GaOUG Tech Days Session: REST Request and JSON with APEX Packages

It’s that time of year where we have to start delivering on those promises made months ago when we professed to be experts at some Oracle tech. Experts enough to commit to standing up in front an audience eagerly awaiting us to drop that tidbit of knowledge that will change their lives. Give then that …


Establish SSH Connection to Oracle Database Cloud Service with SQL Developer

Establish SSH Connection to Oracle Database Cloud Service with SQL Developer A couple of days ago, I showed how to Configuring the Oracle Database Cloud Service, and finished up with promising to help you connect to this database with SQL Developer. As part of the example, you are required to create an SSH key. We …

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